Kelly Smith Intro2020-06-10T18:31:13-07:00



806, 2018

Why The Heartland Model Of The Book Of Mormon Is Incorrect

By |The Book of Mormon|

There has been much discussion in recent years regarding exactly where the events of the Book of Mormon took place, most people settling upon two main places: Central America and the Heartland model which comprises areas between the Great Lakes and Florida. (IMPORTANT EDIT: October 12, 2020. I am no ...

1905, 2016

How to Prove that God Exists

By |Prove God Exists|

You can prove to yourself that God exists by following the pattern God set up to do this. You need not be swayed by the teachings of man and the philosophies of the intellectuals or atheists. You can know that God lives by following this pattern.

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Kelly Smith

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